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Organ Donation & Religious Views

India is the world's most culturally, linguistically and genetically diverse country. Therefore the different religion followed by the people of India has deep impact on their mindset. There is no religion which prohibits organ donation. In fact, below are excerpt from some religious texts:
  "it is said that the soul is invisible, knowing this you should not grieve for the body." Daan is the act of selfless giving. - Bhagvad Gita, chapter 2:25
Dr. H. L. Trivedi, in Transplantation Proceedings, stated that, "Hindu mythology has stories in which the parts of the human body are used for the benefit of other humans and society. There is nothing in the Hindu religion indicating that parts of humans, dead or alive, cannot be used to alleviate the suffering of other humans." 
  "The dead sustain their bond with the living through virtuous deeds". -Guru Nanak, Guru Granth Sahib, p 143
The Sikh religion stresses the importance of performing noble deeds, and saving a life is considered one of the greatest forms of noble deeds. Therefore organ donation is deemed acceptable to the Sikh religion. 
  "Whosoever saves the life of one person would be as if he saved the life of all mankind". - Holy Quran, chapter 5:32
The religion of Islam believes in the principle of saving human lives. According to A. Sachedina in his Transplantation Proceedings (1990) article, Islamic Views on Organ Transplantation, "...the majority of the Muslim scholars belonging to various schools of Islamic law have invoked the principle of priority of saving human life and have permitted the organ transplant as a necessity to procure that noble end."
  Sacrifice and helping others are consistent themes in Christianity, which teaches the principle of seeking for others what you hope others would do for you. Teaching of Jesus Christ: - ".. Freely you have received, freely give." - Mathew, chapter 10:8

The Christian faith is based on the revelation of God in the life of Jesus Christ. Throughout his life, Jesus taught people to love one another and he proved his love for the world upon the cross. It is because of this that Christians consider organ donation as a genuine act of love and a way of following Jesus' example. This act of love then becomes part of a faith journey that is motivated by compassion to help someone else and demonstrates a sense of social responsibility.